Best Game ever invented!

FootGolf South Africa (FGSA) is the national administrative governing body that controls the sport of FootGolf in the Republic of South Africa and is an official member of the Federation for International FootGolf (FIFG).


R250 FEATURES: Age Under 18 Subscription Period 1 Year Renewable. Full Annual Membership. FGSA Ranking. Not eligible for FIFG World Tour license


R465 FEATURES: Age 18+ Subscription Period 1 Year Renewable. Full Annual Membership. FGSA Ranking + FIFG World Tour license


R3,000 FEATURES: Club Affiliation. Get your golf course to join the list of courses offering FootGolf to their members

Come and play

FootGolf is a precision sport, in which players kick a regular size 5 football into a 52cm cup, with as few shots as possible.

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